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New studies warn against ultra-processed food

Two studies published in the British Medical Journal on Wednesday highlight the potential dangers of ultra-processed foods.

HOUSTON — Scientists say ultra-processed foods like ice cream, cereals and mass-produced bread have been linked to early death.

Two studies published in the British Medical Journal on Wednesday highlight the potential dangers of ultra-processed foods. “Ultra-processed foods” refers to how much industrial processing it has been through before it gets to your plate. Typically, the more steps, the more processed.

Some of the foods in this category include breakfast cereals, cereal bars, chicken nuggets, cake, chocolate, ice cream, mass-produced bread, many ready-to-heat meals like pizza and soda.

Then there are processed foods, which have been altered to make them last longer using salt, sugar, oil or fermentation. These foods include cheese, bacon, homemade bread, canned fruit and canned vegetables.

According to the American Heart Association, processed and ultra-processed foods make up 60 percent of American diets. Why are they so bad? Studies link them to heart issues, certain cancers, eating more, gaining more and early death.

It’s no surprise which foods are considered the healthiest and least processed: fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, nuts, milk, seeds, grains and eggs; think Mediterranean diet.

Here are a few simple red flags to look for on food labels:

  • Are there more than 5 ingredients?
  • Can you pronounce the ingredients?
  • Are the ingredients easily recognized as food? 

The full studies can be read here.


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