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Manor woman helps Santa with letters to kids in the neighborhood

Ariel Turner put up a "Santa's letter to the North Pole" mailbox in her front yard. Now she's helping out Santa with getting letters back to kids.

MANOR, Texas — Parents, this is your warning, tonight we have a story about one of Santa's helpers in Manor. 

'Tis the season, where Christmas lights fill our streets – a time of joy and Christmas magic filled with snowmen, reindeer and Santa.

But in Manor, it's a mailbox that might be the most important decoration this year.

"Yeah, so I was doing the decorations for my house and I have a 'Santa's mailbox to the North Pole' and I stuck it out front thinking it would be cute and part of the décor," said Ariel Turner. "The next day there was actually a letter inside the mailbox and I thought I was imagining things." 

So what else could Turner do but find the time and reply?

"To spread the joy and bring a little bit of the happiness and Christmas magic, I posted it on our neighborhood Facebook page and from there it just exploded," she said. 

More letters are coming in for Santa inside her mailbox. Kids are asking for presents and also letting him know how 2020 has been going.

Letters like this:

Hi Santa how are you, 

I know you make all the toys. Can you please bring for my sister Sophia, my little pony, for my brother Jose a car and for me a LOL OMG doll.  

I hope you don't get sick. Don't forget your mask.

Love you, Alexia

This brings us to this response.

Merry Christmas Alexia,

Wow, I feel so special you wrote to me so early this month. You asked for items for you and your siblings.

I'm gonna guess that you're the oldest. I knew it! You have such a big heart, I can't wait to stop by again soon again.

P.S. I don't normally write back this early so it has to be our little secret.

Love, Santa.

It's a small thing, leading to the response you can only hope for. Alexia and her siblings are jumping for joy over the reply from Santa. 

"It really is wholesome," said Turner. "It's probably the most wholesome thing about 2020 my opinion."

So, while the letter may not be coming from the big guy himself, it's the joy and Christmas magic that is the most important this season.

"It's true, I mean, smiles are contagious," she said. 

If you would like more information on where to drop off your letters, or even email Santa a letter directly, you can reach her at Santasmanorsaga@gmail.com.


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