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Big changes coming to Round Rock as work begins on $27M road project

The project will expand the lanes on Gattis School Road from four to six.

ROUND ROCK, Texas — A plan to add more lanes to a busy road in Round Rock is now underway.

Crews are starting work on a $27 million project for the road outside Cedar Ridge High School.

On Gattis School Road, between Windy Park to Double Creek Drive, crews are working to widen the lanes from four to six. The city said 20,000 motorists use the stretch every day.

With new subdivisions and Round Rock continuing to grow, this is part of the city's transportation master plan to alleviate traffic once the project is done. During the construction, which is expected to last two years, lanes will be reduced.

“We ask the citizens [to] be patient. It’s not going be an easy project. We are going to look at everything to make it as least disruptive as possible, but when it's finished it will really help this area of town,” said Michael Thane, Round Rock's executive director of Public Works.

Thane said residents should expect traffic during construction.

"There will be traffic congestion because of construction, but we continually look at the congestion to make sure we are limiting it as much as possible," he said.

The project will take up two years to complete – something Thane said will be worth it.

"This road will help alleviate the traffic, along with several projects," Thane said.

Heather Good, who lives in the area, has already noticed the traffic. But she said she is looking forward to the finished project.

"We have to take care of it and deal with it, but I think in the end it will be really nice," Good said.

Boomtown is KVUE's series covering the explosive growth in Central Texas. For more Boomtown stories, head to KVUE.com/Boomtown.

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