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Cave discovered beneath homes impacts property values in Williamson County neighborhood

A cave was discovered beneath a Williamson County neighborhood a year ago, property values of homes above the cave have plummeted since.

AUSTIN, Texas — On Feb 8, 2018, a cave was discovered underneath homes in Williamson County's Brushy Creek neighborhood.

A year later, the opening of the cave has been filled and property values have plummeted.

The county only filled the portion that belongs to it -- which was underneath the road.

After the cave was discovered, Williamson County found more chambers, faced weather delays and finally sealed it in October.


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Homeowners have mostly stayed quiet about the cave.

A home which has the majority of the cave underneath it, dropped from an appraised value of about $326,000 to $245,000.

Comparatively, a home next door is similar in size and is appraised at about $356,000.

"There's a real good indication that a 3,000 square foot house on January 1 of 2018 over there was worth $340,000 give or take,” said Chris Connelly, deputy appraiser for the Williamson County Central Appraisal District. “Then what came about was, this day a year ago. Then there were more questions.”

The appraisal district said it calculated the value for the homes above the cave as if they had an extreme slab issue.

They expect this year's appraised value to remain mostly the same.

The folks who live right above the majority of the cave said they plan on living there for years, don't plan on selling and are not worried about structural problems.

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