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Kendall Sanders sexual assault trial begins

The sexual assault trial began Tuesday against former University of Texas wide receiver Kendall Sanders.

AUSTIN -- The sexual assault trial began Tuesday against former University of Texas wide receiver Kendall Sanders.

Sanders pleaded not guilty to sexual assault and improper photography charges in April.

In Tuesday's opening statements, the prosecution laid out what happened that night in June 2014, when a student accused Sanders and fellow former wide receiver Montrel Meander of sexually assaulting her in Meander's dorm room after the three returned from a night out on Sixth Street.

According to the prosecution, the woman engaged in consensual sex with Meander. At some point either during or after, Sanders entered the room and had sex with the woman without her consent. Her legal team said both men raped her and a picture was taken at some point during the assault.

The attorney representing Sanders said there were inconsistencies in the woman's statements to police. The victim told police she kicked Sanders and scratched him during the assault, but Sanders' attorney said physical evidence on Sanders is not consistent with that account, and no DNA evidence was found underneath her fingernails.

"Her story has never been challenged once and it's about to be so stick around," said Brian Roark, Sanders' attorney.

The improper photography charge comes from the allegation of a photo found on Sanders' phone of the woman.

If convicted, Sanders could face a sentence of probation or between two and 20 years in prison. He would also face up to a $10,000 fine.

Meander's trail is set to begin Oct. 26.

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