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As students head back to the classrooms, here are some school zone safety reminders

As Central Texas students return for the school year, so do the rules.


As Central Texas students return to school, there will be an increase in traffic not just on the roads, but also on sidewalks and crosswalks. 

Drivers should be on the lookout for walkers and bike riders, using extra caution in dedicated school zones.

While schools have been on summer break, many people may be out of the habit of obeying school zone signs, but as students return, so do the rules. 

Parents who walked their students to school on the first day back at Del Valle Elementary have a message for drivers. 

"Please drive safe, please pay attention to the little ones as they're crossing the street," said Desirae Fletcher, the mother of a third grader. 

Avery McGee walked his daughter to her first day of Pre-K and agrees with this sentiment. 

"Just stay vigilant, slow down. I mean, you're going to get to your destination if you got to leave early just to account for the extra time, please do that," McGee said. 

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) recommends drivers to be aware of new traffic patterns, stop and yield the right of way to students crossing the streets, obey school zone speed limits and be on the lookout. 

"I mean, kids, I mean they, they do things at a split second and, you know, we have to prepare for the split-second decisions that they do make. Since we are the adult," McGee said. 

Going slower through a school zone may take a bit longer, but it's also a way to ensure families get a longer time with their students. 

"Slow down, you're going to get to your destination. Just be, be aware for those, that the unforeseen issues that could come about if you're speeding or doing things you're not supposed to be doing," Fletcher said. 

"Because we got our little ones here, we love them. We want them to come back to school for another day and it's important for you." 

It's also important to note it's illegal to be on your phone in an active school zone. Penalties and traffic fines are also increased in school zones and crosswalks.  

TxDOT also said walkers and bike riders should stick to sidewalks and crosswalks, watch for traffic before crossing and listen to directions from crossing guards. 

If you're wondering when the schools in your area will head back to the classrooms, and when those school zones will be active, we have a list of school start dates here. 

RELATED: Back-to-school in Central Texas: Here's when classes start for each district

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