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What Are Breast Buds?

What Are Breast Buds?

I received a phone call today from a mother who was worried about the "bump" beneath her 12 year old daughter's nipple. I do get this phone call quite often and even see mothers and daughters in the office who are concerned about this lump? First thought is often, "is this breast cancer?" The answer is a resounding "NO" but rather a breast bud. While all mothers developed their own breast buds in years past, many have either forgotten or suppressed the memory of early puberty and breast budding.

Breast buds are small lumps the size of a blueberry or marble that "erupt" directly beneath a young girl's areola and nipple. Most girls experience breast budding somewhere around 10-12 years of age although it may happen a bit sooner or even later. It is one of the early signs of puberty and estrogen effects.

Many girls will complain that the nipple area is sore and tender and that they are lopsided!! It is not unusual for one side to "sprout" before the other. Sometimes one breast will bud and the other is months behind. All of this is normal.

While a lump in the breast is concerning in women reassure your daughter that this is not breast cancer (happy that they are so aware) but a normal part of body changes that happen to all girls as they enter adolescence. Breast budding does not mean that their period is around the corner either, and periods usually start at least 2 years after breast budding (often longer).

Breast buds have also been known to come and go, again not to worry. But at some point the budding will actually progress to breast development and the continuing changes of the breast during puberty.

Reassurance is really all you need and if your daughter is self-conscious this is a good time to start them wearing a light camisole of "sports bra."

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