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Austin group helping keep foster parents in system by providing child necessities

A new group is working in Austin to support foster families by giving boxes to foster parents bixes with things they might need in the first few days of getting a child.

AUSTIN — A new group is working in Austin to support foster families.

They're taking a unique approach by not recruiting new families, but by working to keep the ones who are already out there.

"We are in a crisis in Texas with our child welfare system,” said Lyndee McKinley.

McKinley started Austin Foster Closet this summer. She and her husband have been fostering for a few years.

"You can get a call and then you have a kid in your home within you know hours,” said McKinley.

That’s why she wanted to give boxes called "emergency placement packages" to foster parents with things they may need in the first couple days of getting a child.

"They don't get a lot of heads up,” said McKinley.

The boxes include anything from diapers and bottles, to pajamas and toys.

"If we can take something off your plate so you can focus more on just being home for that kid, we want to be able to do that,” said McKinley.

"A foster parent always has to be prepared because like I said at any moment a child could be removed from their home and need placement that day,” said Aaron Oeser, program manager at a placement agency called DePelchin Children's Center.

"There’s a wide array of kids and we need a wide array of homes to care for all of those kids,” said Oeser.

Alicia Feldman has been opening her home and heart to foster children for six years. "It's one of the most amazing things that I've ever done,” said Feldman.

She wants to provide a stable and loving home for each child.

"It's a really incredible feeling to help them and be able to see them grow,” said Feldman.

But with the ages of children who could come into her home ranging from babies to teenagers, it can be difficult to be fully prepared.

"You want to focus on the child. You don't want to have to worry about, okay when am I going to go to HEB to get diapers,” said Feldman.

"That can be difficult to know do I need a crib, do I need a bed, do I need clothes for a boy, do I need clothes for a girl,” said Oeser.

That’s where Austin Foster Closet helps.

"Most of the kids, you know, they come with next to nothing,” said Feldman.

McKinley said their goal is to support foster families. They want to give them the tools they need to continue fostering for years. "That way, the amount of children they're able to give a home to just increase exponentially,” said McKinley.

"They didn't ask to be in the position,” said Feldman.

With help from Austin Foster Closet, she wants to be in a position where she can help them.

Austin Foster Closet is hosting their official kickoff party and fundraiser Sunday evening. They hope to raise $10,000 dollars to continue offering these services again next year.

If you'd like to purchase a ticket to this fundraiser, click here.

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