AUSTIN, Texas — The City of Austin's Austin Resource Recovery (ARR) on Tuesday announced it will resume normal service for extra trash bags placed outside of customer's carts following temporary changes due to COVID-19.
A recent vote from the Austin City Council removed the fee waiver effective Sept. 7. Customers can purchase excess garbage stickers from local grocery stores for $4 each plus tax. Otherwise, they will be charged $9.60 plus tax for each additional bag set out with their trash carts.
"Due to unprecedented changes brought about by COVID-19 earlier this year, we understood most households would be generating extra trash," said Austin Resource Recovery director Ken Snipes. "We hope this effort has provided relief for our customers during these uncertain times."
In Austin, extra recycling is collected at no additional charge and can be placed in a cardboard box or other reusable containers next to their blue carts.
ARR would like to remind curbside customers to continue using a bag and tie to hold trash together. Recycling should be loose and dry in the blue carts, and BPI-certified compostable or paper bags are encouraged for composting.
Starting on Sept. 8, the Recycle and Reuse Drop-off Center will reopen by appointment only, following a temporary closure also due to COVID-19. The center will resume accepting hard recycle materials like Styrofoam and plastic film, as well as household hazardous waste. Residents are asked to call 512-974-4343 to schedule a drop-off time.
If you'd like to donate unwanted items, ARR encourages you to consider local organizations. Donors can also use the Clothing & Housewares Curbside Collection Program.