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Controversial fliers popping up on Texas State campus

Officials at Texas State University are looking into fliers posted on campus this week supporting racist views.

Officials at Texas State University are looking into fliers posted on campus this week supporting racist views.

It's the third instance of controversial fliers posted at the university in just the past three months.

The fliers have since been taken down, but junior Reba Jenson said she's still upset.

"It was completely ridiculous," Jenson said. "I guess they put it up last night"

The flyer read, "Take your country back. Look around, white man, is this the country your ancestors died for?"

"We're all pretty outraged at the thought that someone would put those around, especially with a campus that's as diverse as Texas State," Jenson said.

One student said the flyer isn't a reflection of her peers' beliefs and thinks students at the university shouldn't be scared.

"Last semester, once the election occurred, there were fliers similar to that that were put up with threats and everything, but I haven't had any hatred towards me," freshman Linda Etufugh said.

"The fliers don't particularly bother me, simply because I have so much going on in my world as a student," junior Ruben Hill said. "However, I am very aware of the racial tension that is going on here on campus. If I want to lead a happy lifestyle I can't pay too much attention to white supremacist groups posting things that are irrelevant to my life."

On Tuesday the organization taking credit for the flyer, American Vanguard, declined an interview but made a statement saying, "Yes, our organization is responsible for the fliers and our members in Texas did put them up. We did so to spread the word of our organization and promote our ideals."

On Twitter, Texas State President Denise Trauth posted, "I am aware of unauthorized flyers posted on campus. Staff is looking into it."

"This is 2017," Etufugh said. "This type of thing shouldn't be happening and I'm shocked that it's still a problem."

The fliers have also been reported to have been posted at Rice University and the University of North Texas.

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