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'Modern-day miracle' man who survived 244-day coma hit and killed by a truck

He wasn’t expected to survive a crash seven years ago, let alone thrive. But Drew Kohn became a walking testimony.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Seven years ago, a miracle started to unfold in Jacksonville. It was July 17, 2017, just days before Drew Kohn’s 23rd birthday.  He was headed to the gym on his motorcycle when he was hit by a car leaving him unconscious. The force of the crash so intense it knocked off his helmet and shoe. Drew was rushed to the hospital. He was in a coma with a traumatic brain injury, two impaled lungs, a broken shoulder, pelvis and ribs among other injuries. 

Doctors initially thought he was brain dead and told his family he would never walk or talk again. His mother, Yolanda Osborne-Kohn, refused to believe that. She credits God with giving her son seven additional years.

“They would have harvested his organs,” Osborne-Kohn said. “It was because of my faith that gave me the boldness to speak up and push back and let them know 'you’re not getting a toenail or an eyelash.'”

For 244 days, Drew lay lifeless. After five months in the hospital, he was sent home where his mother continued to pray over him. Then one day, he woke up and spoke words she will never forget. “Yeah mom, I’m okay. I love you, mom.”

With perseverance, faith, and the help of his family and dedicated team at Brooks Rehab, Drew worked hard to learn how to talk and walk again. 

“My family is grateful for Brooks Rehab and all the help of social service workers, police, and countless others in the community who rallied around Drew,” Osborne-Kohn said.

Drew’s miraculous story made headlines far beyond the First Coast. Each step of the way, he encouraged and inspired those around him. As he overcame obstacle after obstacle, he used his testimony to give hope to those struggling with trauma and traumatic brain injuries.

On Friday, July 27, 2024, days before he turned 30, Osborne-Kohn said Drew was hit by a pickup truck while walking on Collins Road around 5:30am. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office says the driver, who is cooperating with police, did not see him and immediately stopped and called 911. Investigators do not believe speed or impairment played a role. Drew died at the scene. His mother says she’s comforted knowing he is now in heaven.

“Drew is healed, walking, not struggling to keep his balance," his mother said. "His arm is probably lifted so high saying ‘Thank you, Jesus!’ Drew probably has a football in one hand and a Bible in the other." 

While she deeply misses her son, she says she’s grateful for the seven extra years she got with him.

“God honored my request, and I’m not mad. I’m not angry. I’m at peace. I got seven years and like Hezekiah who turned his face to the wall, I remember sitting on Drew’s hospital bed and saying to myself, ‘Thy will be done," Osborne-Kohn added. "Drew loved God, and because of God’s nature when he answered my request, there are no words I have of malicious intent towards my creator. He gave me a gift and turned around and gave me seven plus years." 

To help with funeral expenses and the medical expenses Drew incurred over the past seven years, his family has set up a Go Fund Me account. They also would love to hear how Drew’s story touched you. You can email them at KohnStrong7@gmail.com or through the #KohnStrong Facebook page

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