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'It's a miracle she's alive' | APD raising money for Austin officer seriously injured in ATV crash

Doctors are saying the APD officer may never walk again.

AUSTIN, Texas — After an Austin police officer is seriously injured after ATV crash, APD is raising money to help her recover.

According to Austin police, Officer Tammy Barrett fell 45 feet off of a cliff while she was vacationing in New Mexico.

“She had two collapsed lungs that she had to live with for six hours in the middle of a mountain in a ditch,” said Detective Ken Casaday. "She was gasping for air for six hours and it's just a miracle she's alive."

Detective Casaday has worked closely with Officer Barrett and said she always carries a smile.

“She's not one of those kind of hard core police officers that a lot of people see us to be," said Casaday. "She's sort of the mothering type who's very carrying and will help people with their problems."

Barrett has served with the Austin Police Department for 10 years. So, when Casaday got the call about her accident in New Mexico, he flew out right away.

“It was horrible,” said Casaday. “To see her suffer and to be in that amount of pain. There was not enough medicine they could give her to make her comfortable."

Barrett was rescued and after a 14-hour surgery, doctors are saying she will never walk again. Now through a fundraiser with Austin Cops for Charities, officers are helping her and her family plan for the long road ahead.

“We always take care of each other no matter if it's in the line of duty or off duty like this was,” said Casaday.

Officers are hopeful she'll be able to return to the department, but Casaday said there is a huge financial need. They are needing to buy a new vehicle for her to get around in and want to fit her house with ADA compliance doors and ramps.

To do that, they are asking for the public to donate here.

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