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Concerns and complaints lead to a ban on door-to-door solicitation after dark in Bee Cave

City leaders voted unanimously to ban the door-to-door solicitation after dark following a large volume of complaints.

BEE CAVE, Texas — A Central Texas community is taking "no soliciting" to a new level.

Recently, Bee Cave city leaders passed an ordinance banning door-to-door solicitation after dark. It goes into effect on Sept. 1.

The ordinance will also require a permit through the Bee Cave Planning & Development Department to solicit at all. Mayor Kara King said the problem has gotten really bad in hers and other city council members' neighborhoods.

“It's excessive. It can even sometimes be several in one night,” King said. “They rang my bell several times after dark. None of them, of course, are ever permitted.”

It's not just the mayor's problem – it's a community one.

“We have the same problem in the homestead where people show up. Just two nights ago, after dark, some guy was knocking on the door,” one resident said during the city council’s public comment.

Crystal Cotti, the city's director of communications, said permits to solicit were previously issued through the Bee Cave Police Department. However, under current state law, the department’s software doesn’t allow for background checks on permit applications.

“Our Planning & Development Department is set to accept payments and do background checks already. So, it’s going to be a much more efficient process,” Cotti said. “Our Planning and Development Department will run a background check to make sure that we have safe people who are doing this door-to-door soliciting.”

Cotti said anyone who cannot show proof of permit by a homeowner or the police can face misdemeanor charges. She said even if someone has a permit, it can be revoked if there are regular complaints against the person.

“Residents were concerned about after-dark solicitors disrupting their family time," Cotti said. "They are concerned that if the city didn't do something, it was just gonna get worse. We wanted to be responsive to that."

Residents must have a "no soliciting" sign visibly posted near their front door. The ordinance also doesn't apply to political or religious solicitations.

Cotti said if you want to report solicitations that violate the ordinance, you can contact the city’s non-emergency number if it’s after dark at 512-261-2800. Otherwise, you can contact the regular city line.

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