AUSTIN, Texas — With near-record heat across Central Texas, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) asked residents and businesses on Thursday to limit their electricity usage before 7 p.m. However, that notice has since been lifted.
“High temperatures have resulted in record electricity demand over the last few days and may result in a new record today,” ERCOT president and CEO Bill Magness said on Tuesday. “Consumers can help lower energy consumption by taking some simple actions between the hours of 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.”
This comes two days after ERCOT sent the same alert on Tuesday.
The Public Utility Commission of Texas also issued a notice for consumers to limit electricity usage on Tuesday.
“When the energy demands of our state’s steadily growing population and booming economy intersect with hot summer temperatures, the supply of power can get a little tight, so we’re calling on Texans to help moderate demand for electricity with a few simple choices during the late afternoon hours this week," said DeAnn Walker, chairman of the Public Utility Commission of Texas.
Consumers are urged to take the following steps:
- Set thermostats 2 to 3 degrees higher; set programmable thermostats to higher temperatures when no one is home.
- If home, use fans to feel 4 to 6 degrees cooler.
- Set pool pumps to run early morning or overnight; shut off from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
- Turn off and unplug non-essential lights and appliances.
- Avoid using large appliances (i.e. ovens, washing machines, etc.) especially during peak demand hours.
- Businesses should minimize the use of electric lighting and electricity-consuming equipment as much as possible.
- Large customers of electricity should consider shutting down or reducing non-essential production processes.