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Texas Gov. Greg Abbot declares Jan. 13 'AMBER Alert Awareness Day'

Jan. 13, 2018, is now AMBER Alert Awareness Day in Texas, according to a new proclamation from Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

According to a new proclamation signed Wednesday by Gov. Greg Abbott, January 13, 2018, is now AMBER Alert Awareness Day in Texas.

Gov. Abbott's official proclamation can be read below:

"Twenty-two years ago, a young girl named Amber Hagerman was heartbreakingly abducted and murdered near her home in Arlington, Texas. While the details of the suspect were provided to law enforcement, there existed no system to quickly inform the community of Amber's disappearance. To this day, her death remains unresolved. This tragedy prompted Texas citizens to reach out to radio stations and urge the broadcast of child abduction information.

Amber Hagerman is remembered and honored by the establishment of the America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response program (AMBER). Established in 2002, the Texas AMBER Alert Network provides a method to effectively disseminate an AMBER alert to any geographical area in Texas. This includes local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, as well as media to assist with rapid notification.

Singe the program's inception through the end of 2017, 179 children have been safely recovered during Texas Department of Public Safety activations. The National AMBER Alert network has also helped find and safely recover more than 897 children across the country. Even with the program's success, the loss of even one child is too many.

At this time, I urge all Texans to remain vigilant of the dangers present and stay informed about what to do when abduction occurs. It is important for parents, family members, friends and teachers to educate children about personal safety, in-person strangers and online strangers. Remember, if an AMBER alert has been activated, be on the lookout for the child, suspect and vehicle. If you witness an abduction or if you locate the child, suspect or possible vehicle, immediately call 911. Every passing moment is essential in the safe return of child.

Therefore, I, Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, do hereby proclaim January 13, 2018, to be AMBER Alert Awareness Day in Texas and urge the appropriate recognition whereof."

More information about the Texas AMBER Alert Network can be found here.

More information about the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children can be found here.

More information about AMBER Alert Awareness Day can be found here.

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