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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott describes Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke as ‘cult-like’ in interview

In an interview with "Fox & Friends," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott called Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke a "cult-like" figure. O'Rourke is running against Sen. Ted Cruz.

AUSTIN — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott shared his view on the tight Texas Senate race between Sen. Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke in an interview with "Fox & Friends" Monday.

During the interview, Abbott described O'Rourke as a "cult-like" figure.

"He has been a cult-like, very popular figure -- the way he runs the campaign," Abbott said. "But you don't vote on cult, you don't vote on personality when you get to the United States senate. You vote on the issues."


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He also brought up the fight over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Sen. Cruz voted to advance Kavanaugh from the senate judiciary committee on Friday.

O'Rourke opposes Kavanaugh's nomination.


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