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Texas Democrats urge DOJ to investigate AG Ken Paxton's office for possible civil rights violations

Ken Paxton's office is accused of launching illegal "raids" focused on uncovering voter fraud at the homes of Latinos.

AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Democrats are calling on the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate possible civil rights violations by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's office.

It comes after recent reports of "raids" at the homes of Latinos in South Texas and a new lawsuit filed in Bexar County that advocates say was meant to intimidate voters.

In August, Paxton's office said its "Election Integrity Unit" had launched undercover operations to investigate reports of non-citizens being unlawfully registered to vote.

Now, Texas Democrats are joining the League of United Latin American Citizens, or LULAC, to say that the state’s investigation was illegal and a misuse of power.

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, who represents the 16th district in El Paso, led the discussion, saying the raids targeted the homes of older Latinos and could intimidate them into not voting.

Houston Congressman Al Green said he questions the probable cause behind these raids, adding that there needs to be more transparency.

“To go to Ms. Linda Martinez, an 87-year-old retired educator ... She says she heard a knock on her door at 6 a.m. Where was the probable cause to go to her home at 6 a.m.?" Green asked. “Nine officers ... some with guns in their holsters, pushed open the door, marched past her living room. She says she got scared. I would get scared.”

They also say that a new lawsuit against Bexar County could suppress votes. The lawsuit is fighting the county's efforts to send out voter registration forms to people, arguing that it could lead to ineligible voters putting down false information to sign up.

Bexar County Judge Peter Sakai said it's a way to boost voter turnout this November, but U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro said the lawsuit will discourage voters. According to Castro, if people in their communities see others getting prosecuted, “they’ll scare new people off from voting.”

"They are trying to win elections and hang on to power by scaring people by intimidating them and doing everything they can to suppress the vote in Texas,” Castro said.

Austin Congressman Lloyd Doggett said Paxton is using taxpayer dollars to “execute outrageous search warrants against South Texas Latinos," and is inspired by former President Donald Trump’s “dangerous rhetoric." He also urged the DOJ to investigate what he calls an abuse of power.

“It seems to me that we hear in Spanish and English that your vote is your voice, but the only voice that Ken Paxton wants to hear is one that agrees with it,” Doggett said.

The DOJ has yet to respond to the requests for an investigation.

With those alleged raids, The Texas Tribune reported that police investigated allegations from Frio County that a political operator had been illegally harvesting votes in multiple local elections. At this point, the investigation hasn't led to any arrests. 

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