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Woman accused of seriously hurting 11-year-old with her car while intoxicated in Pflugerville

The girl's mother said her daughter suffered numerous injuries in the crash that will require surgery.
Credit: Pflugerville Police Dept.

PFLUGERVILLE, Texas — A woman faces a felony charge following a crash that left an 11-year-old seriously injured.

The crash happened on Friday, Sept. 6 at an intersection near Kelly Lane Park in Pflugerville.

According to an affidavit obtained by KVUE, emergency crews were treating an 11-year-old girl who had minor cuts to her face, body and both legs. She also suffered a laceration to the left side of her head.

During an investigation into the crash, authorities learned the driver of the vehicle nearly ran a red light a few minutes before the crash. Authorities spotted significant damage to the hood and windshield consistent with the vehicle striking an object. There was also human hair embedded in the windshield.

Witnesses told police the driver of the vehicle, identified as Braydin Garcia, was driving on Kelly Lane when she hit a child walking in the crosswalk, which caused the child to land on the hood and windshield.

However, according to the affidavit, Garcia told police she was driving home from work when a "kid just came out of nowhere." Garcia also claimed a school bus was blocking her view of the child before the crash. Video footage showed Garcia hit the child without slowing down before, which led to the child riding the hood of the car before rolling off the passenger side.

When police interviewed Garcia, authorities noticed she was pale and slow to talk. Despite blowing a 0.00 during a breathalyzer test, Garcia allegedly failed a field sobriety test, which led them to believe she was under the influence of drugs. After searching her vehicle, vape pens containing Delta-8 were located.

Garcia has been charged with felony intoxicated assault with a vehicle causing serious bodily injury.

Meanwhile, the 11-year-old's mother said her daughter suffered a broken femur, fibula, tibia and a dislocated knee. She also suffered a tear that would require a surgical fix. The mother said her daughter could not remember the crash since she lost consciousness.

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