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Trump backs Kavanaugh calling his testimony 'powerful, honest, and riveting'

The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing featuring Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and on of his accusers adjourned after more than eight hours.
Credit: Mark Wilson/Getty Images
U.S. President Donald Trump introduces U.S. Circuit Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, (R), as his nominee to the United States Supreme Court during an event in the East Room of the White House July 9, 2018 in Washington, DC.

President Donald Trump is encouraged by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's passionate denials of Christine Blasey Ford's claims that he sexually assaulted her in high school.

A White House official told The Associated Press on Thursday that the West Wing saw the judge's opening statement as "game changing" and said Trump appeared to be reacting positively.

Trump watched the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Air Force One as he traveled from New York, then resumed monitoring back at the White House.

Minutes after the hearing concluded, the president backed Kavanaugh in a tweet calling the testimony "powerful, honest and riveting" and urged the Senate to vote.

Two Republicans close to the White House say Trump expressed sympathy for Kavanaugh and his family for having to listen to Ford's tearful recounting of allegations. After seeing Ford's testimony, White House aides and allies expressed concern that Kavanaugh would have an uphill climb to deliver a strong enough showing.

But they say Trump was encouraged by Kavanaugh's performance.

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