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'I didn't ask for that:' Dak Prescott's accuser shares story in exclusive interview

"He pulled my pants down… and the pants weren’t even off of my legs…" Prescott's accuser, Victoria, told WFAA.

ARLINGTON, Texas — Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott filed a civil lawsuit, and also filed a criminal report, against a woman who has accused him of sexual assault and demanded $100 million in exchange for not reporting the alleged incident to police on Monday.

On Tuesday, his accuser, Victoria, sat down with WFAA for an exclusive interview.

"It’s kind of embarrassing to be honest, but I didn’t ask for that, I didn’t ask for this to happen to me," she said.

Victoria said she met Prescott through her work as a waitress at a bar in 2017. She said, at his invitation, she later went out with him and others for drinks. 

The two were in the bar parking lot in an SUV, she claims, when he gestured to his other friends in the car to exit.

"The people who were in the car besides me and him got out the car," she said. "It was just me and him in the car. In this SUV Tahoe, we were actually in the third row. And yeah, that’s where it happened, in the parking lot of the destination we were going to."

At that point, she froze, she said.

"He pulled my pants down… and the pants weren’t even off of my legs…so it’s just an awkward position and…it’s just tight, and it was heavy," she told WFAA.

In a demand letter sent to Prescott and his attorneys, Victoria and her lawyers claim she did not want to have sex and verbalized those wishes. In exchange for $100 million, they said they would forego pursuing criminal charges.

"You know, I’ve been silent for all these years taking it," Victoria said. "I don’t know if you noticed, but everywhere you go, you see him. He’s in grocery stores, he’s in ads, he’s in gas stations. So I’ve endured, I think, enough."

Prescott did not agree to pay any money. Instead, his attorneys claimed in an interview with WFAA Monday that Victoria’s story is a complete lie. 

"Mr. Prescott remembers going out and remembers going out with her and her friends but obviously nothing even close …along the lines of what she is alleging happened," Prescott's attorney, Levi McCathern, said.

On Monday, Prescott sued Victoria, and her lawyers, claiming he was being extorted. He also filed a criminal report against Victoria in Prosper for attempted theft by coercion. 

"In our minds, we’re saying you raped someone…and you want to file a lawsuit?" Victoria's attorney Yoel Zehaie told WFAA Tuesday.

Yoel said not only will they countersue Prescott in civil court, but they are also now pursuing criminal charges against him for sexual assault. On Monday afternoon, the Dallas Police Department confirmed it had received a police report and is investigating.

"They're trying to send a message, 'hey we’re Goliath, and if you don’t put this thing away, x, y, z is gonna happen,'" Yoel said.

"But you know we’re not afraid of Mr. Prescott or his legal team. At all. We’re ready to fight back and we are going to fight back," Bethel Zehaie, Yoel's legal partner said.

Victoria told WFAA she started drinking heavily after the alleged assault, that it's made intimacy and relationships difficult.

She did not initially come forward, she said, because she thought people would blame her. 

"That maybe I allowed it, or they blame me, because I’m a girl, ‘why did you even agree to go out with him?’ I just… I didn’t… I was scared," she said.

In an interview with WFAA, Prescott's attorneys pointed to the fact Victoria had an amicable relationship with Prescott after the alleged incident.

"Yeah, because he would come into my place of work," she said in response. "I mean, I knew, couldn’t tell my bosses, they would fire me, because that’s a big client of theirs, a big customer, so I would just tell my fellow waitresses to take care of it, take care of the table if I was requested, or if they were trying to put me on there I tried to stay away." 

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