AUSTIN, Texas — Barton Springs Pool will have a new schedule starting Monday, March 21.
The pool will be closed Mondays and Wednesdays along with the regular Thursday cleaning closures from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Austin Parks and Recreation cited a shortage of available certified Open Water Lifeguards as the reason.
There are approximately 100 lifeguards on payroll that are trained with valid certifications and ready to work, but there are only 23 certified Open Water Guards available to guard Barton Springs Pool.
Because of its unique features, the pool requires an additional Open Water Guard certification and training.
The Aquatic Department stopped training and onboarding lifeguards during spring break of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Training picked back up in spring of 2021, but they say its been difficult to staff new employees.
The closures will be in place until staffing levels improve and until a sufficient number of guards can not only be hired, but trained. The Barton Springs guards assist with the training throughout the season.
"Swim at your own risk" hours remain from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. The Aquatic Division said they're working to have a fully operational schedule for the week of March 12 to March 20, but modifications to the schedule may change if there are any changes in staff availability.
For employment information, visit Lifeguarding in Austin.